Healthy Happy Holidays
The Holidays are meant to be a joyful time, and I'd like to see each of you have the best Kwanzaa and New Years' celebrations ever. Use this holiday season to reconnect with friends and family and to de-stress, sleep late, talk, and enjoy games and the sports, all without incident.
Too many times we build every event around the food. Sure, enjoy the 'good for you foods' and by-pass the unhealthy ones.
I tell clients that the "most important decisions we make each day are all about 'what we eat". Our food choices determine our health and wellbeing. Don't let one or two holidays ruin your life. If you are one of the thousands of persons with diabetes or heart disease this year, decide today that you are in control.
Vow to honor your Divine body, for the glory of Our Father. Here are a few tried and true tips you can lean on, and stay healthy and fit during this wonderful Holiday season.
1. Plan to enjoy your events.
2. Go to bed early, each night, to wake rested and refreshed.
3. Drink lots of water, skip the high calorie - high sugar drinks, and the artificially sweetened ones as well. Have you tried the naturally sparkling water yet? How much water to drink?, One half your body's weight, in ounces of water. Often times we look for something to eat, but are really thirsty. Drink the water first.
4. Eat a hearty salad or a bowl of fresh homemade soup, before you go. Never arrive at a party or dinner hungry. This is a great way to rein in the temptation to eat too much, or to eat the wrong foods.
5. Meet and greet everyone before picking up the food. It's about making the connections.
6. Is there someone you really want to connect with?, Step outside for a quite walk and talk. This is an easy way to add a little exercise to the mix. Dancing too, is great, remember the wonderful oldies.
7. Take a look at the full table before making your selections, make your best choices and leave the rest.
8. If you are the host, or if you are taking a covered dish, make sure to have lots of fresh cut, in season, fruits and veggies. Skip the dressing!
9. When you start filling your plate, begin with the high nutrient veggies. Go light on the processed carbs like commercially prepared sweets, breads, and the no-fiber meats. Eat slowly, enjoying the taste and texture of your food. But more importantly, enjoy the company.
10. Plate ready, now move away from the food and concentrate on the other guests.
Make sure you do what you can to make the right choice, the best choice, and the easy choice. Making good choices can be easy, with just a little forethought and planning.
By []Carolyn Guilford
When the holidays are passed, you'll be so excited about how well you took care of you! No heavy feeling, no stomach upsets, no restless nights, no heart palpitations, and no visits to the emergency room. Remember, Health is a Choice!
Happy Holidays.
Article Source: [] Healthy Happy Holidays
The Holidays are meant to be a joyful time, and I'd like to see each of you have the best Kwanzaa and New Years' celebrations ever. Use this holiday season to reconnect with friends and family and to de-stress, sleep late, talk, and enjoy games and the sports, all without incident.
Too many times we build every event around the food. Sure, enjoy the 'good for you foods' and by-pass the unhealthy ones.
I tell clients that the "most important decisions we make each day are all about 'what we eat". Our food choices determine our health and wellbeing. Don't let one or two holidays ruin your life. If you are one of the thousands of persons with diabetes or heart disease this year, decide today that you are in control.
Vow to honor your Divine body, for the glory of Our Father. Here are a few tried and true tips you can lean on, and stay healthy and fit during this wonderful Holiday season.
1. Plan to enjoy your events.
2. Go to bed early, each night, to wake rested and refreshed.
3. Drink lots of water, skip the high calorie - high sugar drinks, and the artificially sweetened ones as well. Have you tried the naturally sparkling water yet? How much water to drink?, One half your body's weight, in ounces of water. Often times we look for something to eat, but are really thirsty. Drink the water first.
4. Eat a hearty salad or a bowl of fresh homemade soup, before you go. Never arrive at a party or dinner hungry. This is a great way to rein in the temptation to eat too much, or to eat the wrong foods.
5. Meet and greet everyone before picking up the food. It's about making the connections.
6. Is there someone you really want to connect with?, Step outside for a quite walk and talk. This is an easy way to add a little exercise to the mix. Dancing too, is great, remember the wonderful oldies.
7. Take a look at the full table before making your selections, make your best choices and leave the rest.
8. If you are the host, or if you are taking a covered dish, make sure to have lots of fresh cut, in season, fruits and veggies. Skip the dressing!
9. When you start filling your plate, begin with the high nutrient veggies. Go light on the processed carbs like commercially prepared sweets, breads, and the no-fiber meats. Eat slowly, enjoying the taste and texture of your food. But more importantly, enjoy the company.
10. Plate ready, now move away from the food and concentrate on the other guests.
Make sure you do what you can to make the right choice, the best choice, and the easy choice. Making good choices can be easy, with just a little forethought and planning.
By []Carolyn Guilford
When the holidays are passed, you'll be so excited about how well you took care of you! No heavy feeling, no stomach upsets, no restless nights, no heart palpitations, and no visits to the emergency room. Remember, Health is a Choice!
Happy Holidays.
Article Source: [] Healthy Happy Holidays
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