Food Poison and How To Deal With It

Food Poison and How To Deal With It

Food poisoning occurs when a person takes in food contaminated by bacteria, parasites or virus. It can also happen when one eats foods that are not ready prepared or foods that are not handled well during the process of preparing them.

Symptoms of food poisoning

Once a person takes in poisoned foods, they start showing some symptoms. Depending on the type of poison, this can occur immediately or within several hours after the individual had taken the food. The symptoms include:-
Stomach ache
Having fever in few days

The elder people, babies, the people with immune complications, and the pregnant women are more prone to showing severe symptoms of food poison.

Critical Poisoning Effects of Food

Some instances of food contamination with poison are not dangerous and can end within a short time. However, if a person experiences the following symptoms, he should seek medical attention as soon as possible:
High level of dizziness
Increased breathing rate or heart beat
Experiencing visual disturbances
Having a problem in speaking
Paralyzed muscles

These symptoms show that the person had a severe poison to their food and should be treated in the shortest time otherwise; the condition can result in other problems or even cause death.

Remedies to Poisoned Foods

With the facts about food poisoning and its symptoms were known, it is important to know how to deal with the problem of food poisoning. The following are some of the remedies to food poison that can help the person in this condition:
Let him rest. Eating poisoned Food can make the body of the individual weak. Therefore it is important for the person to have enough rest.
Lemon juice. Let the person take this juice. It will help in killing most of the bacteria that had caused the poisoning.
Bananas. Give the person bananas as their potassium energy helps in recovering. However, the person is not supposed to take more than two bananas and especially if he is having diarrhea.
Use ginger juice. Mix it with a tablespoon of honey; it will help in treating complications with the digestive system.
Avoid taking any medication without doctor's approval
Try taking water, coconut water, or Gatorade in plenty but in small sips to avoid dehydration.


To conclude food contamination with poison can cost us many resources and in a way can lead to death. We should be careful all the times to ensure that food poisoning instances do not happen. Always take foods that are purified. Avoid eating foods from anywhere and in particular by the roadside. It is our duties to keep our bodies fit and avoid any food poison issues.

It is important to eat safe foods and always ensure that the foods are well cooked. Ensure that the fitness and cooking standards are fine to make sure that the food is not contaminated for safety of your health.
By []James Nguma

Article Source: [] Food Poison and How To Deal With It

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