CABG and Open Heart Surgery in India

CABG and Open Heart Surgery in India
India has emerged as a major healthcare destination. Having invested millions of USD in infrastructure, medical equipment, medical schools and colleges today Indian healthcare benefits from thousands of trained healthcare professionals who graduate every year from premier medical colleges and are trained at some of the best healthcare facilities in India and abroad.

Some of the best heart doctors or best cardiologists in India are able to take care of open heart surgeries, cabg, pediatric cardiology, interventional cardiology such as angiography, stenting or angioloasty.

Cost of cabg in India varies from USD 6500 to USD 7500 usually and includes 5-7 days stay in the hospital.

The cost usually includes cost of surgery/treatment, food and hospital stay for both patient and one attendant for the specified period.

In case of an increased ICU stay or complications the cost may increase a bit but still is much much cheaper than other countries such as USA, Thailand, Turkey, Singapore and Egypt without compromising on the quality of care and treatment.

The cost of open heart surgery in India thus is almost one tenth of the total cost of heart surgery in USA.

There is a similar difference in cost between European countries such as UK, German and also Australia and other countries.

Cost of surgery is also much lower than that in several parts of Middle East be it Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Egypt and also South Africa, benefitting patients from across the world.

It is also worth noting that cost of living in India is also much cheaper than most countries, be it an underserved geography like Kenya, Nigeria or a developed country like USA.

Hence the patient and his family are able to stay post operatively at an affordable cost till the patient recovers well and is able to go back.

This is important as for a medical patient it is essential that not only is the surgical procedure carried out at an affordable cost, " a cost which fits the pocket" but the patient is also able to stay post the surgery and recover well before going back home.
By []Manisha Soin

Even after including the cost of air tickets which is a USD 1000 from a country like USA or Canada, cost of stay which doesn't exceed USD 25 per day, cost of treatment usually doesn't exceed USD 12000, much much less than cost of open heart surgery in USA at USD 133,000.

Article Source: [] CABG and Open Heart Surgery in India

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